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Lynn the Dancing Queen

Lynn the Dancing Queen

Our team does the impossible each and every day, we like to think of them as
superheroes because they are. If you rolled Mary Poppins and a superhero
together, seasoned this with great values and hard work, and then to
top it off, wrapped it inarguably a better costume than any superhero previous
(the Vines grape purple polo of course) then you may come close to one of our
amazing team members.

On a daily basis, they create amazing food from our Family home in Walton,
Peterborough. They make all of this with kindness, compassion and care, working
and achieving deadlines others would think was impossible. They take great care,
attention to detail and go above and beyond for all of us, whilst putting pride
into everything they do. From never letting a platter leave our home unless it’s
absolutely perfect, to never missing a spot whilst cleaning. And to top it off,
they do all this whilst keeping a massive smile on their face, and believe you
me, they never fail to miss an opportunity to have a laugh and enjoy each day.
We honestly couldn’t do it without them.

We want to celebrate our team and give them the recognition they truly deserve
for all the amazing work they do for us, and all our amazing customers. It's
also a chance to let you guys know who’s behind our family’s continuous success.

Now before we start: every superhero group needs a catchy name, right? Well, how
about the Vinettes!?

Meet Lynn, the Dancing Queen Vinette.

She’s Vine’s very own Country dancing Peggy Mitchell, and let me tell you, she’s
got all the moves.

Originally from Darlington county Durham, our Lynn moved to Peterborough in
2010. She’s got four children, two of which are twins, and has had more hairstyles
than you can shake a stick at. Our favourite is the curly, backcombed 'do' that
she's been telling us all to follow! She loves her country
dancing and once taught a crowd of over 4000 people! She’s ran her own pub
previously (hence the Peggy Mitchell) and worked her way up to a senior position
at Gregg's cafe, proudly winning the best shop of the year award in her region
and also winning the regional sandwich shop of the year in 2013. She’s now
joined the Vine’s and is officially a Vinette after completing her months
training with flying colours and now proudly wears the green bandana.

We sat down with Lynn after her training month and got to know her a bit more,
which was great fun. We did a quick fire interview and here’s what she had
to say:

Joe: "Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?"
Lynn: "Big two tone loons pants, I used to steal my sisters when she was out,
they were purple at the top and orange at the bottom."

Joe: "What's the most daring thing you've ever done?"
Lynn: "I once got on stage and taught 4000 people in Nottingham, how to dance. I
was so nervous before hand I was nearly sick!"

Joe: "Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?"
Lynn: "Goldie Hawn or someone glamorous, although she’s older than me! I can
just pretend I looked like her."

Joe: "How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real?"
Lynn: "How did you find out that? what do you mean!"

Joe: "What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?"
Lynn: "FROGS LEGS, they're like chicken with no taste."

Joe: "What was your first job?"
Lynn: "I worked in a Cafe cleaning tables when I was 13, I used to work on
Saturdays and school holidays. We were poor you see so I had to go to work."

Joe: "What is the worst gift you have received?"
Lynn: "I made the mistake of telling my dad that I would like a jumper for
Christmas this one year, I remember unwrapping it and thinking it's something an
80-year-old would wear! Safe to say I never wore it. Me sister got a similar one
that year, we both had a good laugh."

Joe: "If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?"
Lynn: "Fly, I would love to be able to fly."

Joe: "What’s the most fun you’ve had this week?"
Lynn: "The 300, exactly, point turn, trying to get the bloody van out the
driveway for the first time."

Joe: "What’s your worst habit?"
Lynn: "Gabin on."

Joe: "What the most entertaining story from the pub days?"
Lynn: "I was dancing on a table this one evening, as you do, messing around on a
pole. I said to one of my friends, I like a bit of pole dancing! Unknown to me,
the man sitting next to the table was polish! Of course, I didn't know this, but
everyone else did, they all fell about laughing."

Joe: "If you could have drinks with anyone, who would it be?"
Lynn: "Elvis Presley, I loved everything about him. I cried when he died on
August the 16th."

Joe: "What is the hardest thing you've ever done?"
Lynn: "I was a big swimmer when I was younger. I was going for my lifeguard
badge and had to complete a one-mile swim in my pj's! I remember thinking I'm
going to drown."

Joe: "What’s the coolest story about yourself?"
Lynn: "Being mentioned in a skateboarding magazine by my sons, who said I was
the coolest mum."

Joe: "What’s your go-to dance move?"
Lynn: "It’s always the shimmy, shaking everything ya mama gave ya."

Joe: "Who is your hero?
Lynn: "My dad. A wonderful man, he had time for everyone."

Joe: "What motivates you to work hard?"
Lynn: "It's just in me, I like to see a job well done. It gives me

Joe: "What did you want to be when you were younger?"
Lynn: "A mechanic, mainly because they weren't letting any girls do it. I tried
to join the army to be a driver so I could work on vehicles but I was to small
to get in!”

The end.

If you're one of our amazing customers, you'll be sure to see Lynn most days.
After she's finished making our lovely homemade food from 6am each morning, she
then loads up our refrigerated van and delivers our homemade platters with a
cracking smile. She’s a self-confessed ‘gabber’ so say hello.